Borrow our volunteer clean-up kits and bring your business, group or organization out to help keep our lakes and creeks clean.
We offer clean-up kits to help you take action for clean water.
Groups may request up to 4 kits. 1 hanging scale will be provided per group to help measure your impact.
Need more tools? Apply for an Action Grant!
Our Action Grants provide up to $250 for community projects that protect clean water.
Learn about Action GrantsReport your Clean Up
Freshwater Society's Adopt a River program empower Minnesotans in their journey to becoming stewards and ambassadors of our state’s waterways. After you've cleaned a waterway, you can report your cleanup to track your impact. Want to make this a recurring event? 'Adopt' your section of a waterway and pledge to keep coming back to keep it clean.
Report a cleanup